Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Idea for using Black Discus (including samples)

I was playing around with some Canopener size BlackDiscus a few days ago and noticed that they were just the right size to fit over the unused outlets on my power distribution board. So for fun I stuck three of them on there with some BluTack and had a listen.

To my surprise there was a very obvious improvement - increased clarity and presence, along with the normal BlackDiscus effect. This seems to be a little closer to how Power Purifiers sound than most BlackDiscus effects. I suspect that it's helping here in two ways:

  1. As a cover, stopping harmful electrons leaking into the air.
  2. As a mini-filter. Not as effective as the simple filter or Power Purifiers, but the same sort of effect)
(Don't take #1 too literally ;)

Anyway, it's well worth a try. If you don't have any spare outlets, unplug something (just to try..). I find Canopener size fits well, but you can use any size BlackDiscus. Use some Blutack or similar to attach, so that it absorbs any movement.

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